The SpeechMark R Package, Windows Edition

SpeechMark Product: The SpeechMark R Package, Windows Edition
Operating Systems Supported: Windows XP, Windows 7
Product Version: 0.1.5
Public Release Date : February 7, 2014
Installation Notes–PLEASE READ

  1. Verify that the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (“MCR”) 32 bit version 2013b (v82) has been installed on your computer. If it hasn’t, install this software first! The MCR install image can be downloaded from: See IMPORTANT MCR INSTALATION NOTES below.
  2. Verify that the 32 bit version of R has been installed on your computer (the latest version is R i386 3.0.2). The R install image can be downloaded from:
  3. Download the SpeechMark R Package install image from the SpeechMark web site. The install image is a zip file that contains installation instructions (basically, the text you are now reading) and another zip file named “”. Extract these files from the download image.
  4. Install the SpeechMark R Package in your R environment by launching the R GUI, and clicking on the “Packages” menu on the menu bar. Select the “Install package from local zip file…” menu option. A “Select files” window will appear. Use it to find and select the file that you extracted in the previous step.
  5. Load the SpeechMark R Package by clicking on the “Packages” menu again on the R Menu bar. This time select the “Load package …” menu option, and select the “SpeechMark” package from the list of installed packages that appears.
  6. You can view the SpeechMark Package documentation by typing the command “help(package=’SpeechMark’)” at the command line prompt in the R Console Window.

Many of our users install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime without encountering any problems. Others are not so fortunate. These notes are intended to shed some light on potential MCR Installation issues and problems. Ideally you’ll read and comprehend these notes before attempting the MCR installation the first time. But at the very least, please read them over if you experience any problems.
For many users of the SpeechMark R Package who do run into trouble, their first hint that something has gone wrong is an error message when they attempt to LOAD the SpeechMark R Package. This is because a working MCR is not needed in order to install R or install the SpeechMark R Package, but it is needed in order to load that package. If Step 5 above fails, you need to read these instructions. Usually, when Step 5 fails, R displays an error box with a message like this:

    “This application has failed to start because mclmcrrt8_2.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.”

If you see this message, help is on the way. Keep reading!

  1. The SpeechMark R Package uses compiled MATLAB code. So may other applications you have installed. A number of different versions of the MCR are available from the MATLAB web site. In order to run this code, you need to install on your computer the *particular* version of the MCR required by the code. In order to run this package, you must download and install the MCR version that this package needs, even if you have installed other versions of the MCR required by other applications. You can have multiple versions of the MCR installed and in use on your computer simultaneously.
  2. The SpeechMark R Package requires the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (“MCR”) 32 bit version 2013b (v82). Other versions of the MCR will not work. Follow the link provided in Step 1 above, and be careful to choose, download, and install the correct version.
  3. It is not sufficient to install the correct version of the MCR–your PATH environment variable must also be updated to include the directory in which the MCR DLL is located. Some users find that the MCR installation process updates their PATH variable automatically. Other users find that they must update their PATH variable by hand.
  4. The directory (folder) that must appear in your PATH is the folder in which the MCR DLL file “mclmcrrt8_2.dll” resides. This should be a subfolder under the folder that you installed the MCR in, and by default ends with “…\v82\runtime\win32”. If necessary, you can find this folder by using the Windows Explorer Search function. Search for the file “mclmcrrt8_2.dll”.
  5. The filespec of this folder must be added to the PATH environment variable, either by the MCR install process or by you, manually. To check to see if this folder has been added to PATH by the MCR install process, open a Windows Command Window, and type “Path” and press Enter. The current PATH environment variable will be printed out.
  6. If the MCR DLL folder has not been added to the path, you must add it manually. Press the Start button, select the Control Panel, click on the System icon, select the Advanced tab, click on the Environment Variables button, and edit the System Variable named “path”.
  7. If you do not have the full MATLAB application installed (that is, if you are not a MATLAB user), append the MCR DLL directory to the end of your PATH string, separated by a “;” character from the previous folders. If you do have the MATLAB application installed, you must insert the MCR DLL before any of the MATLAB application directories that appear in the PATH string. Separate the MCR DLL from the other folders with “;” characters.
  8. For the revised PATH string to be visible to R, a new R GUI must be launched *after* the PATH variable has been updated and saved.

Please read the MCR Installer Documentation, available from the MATLAB web site by going to the URL shown in Step 1, and looking for the “MCCR Installer Documentation” link.

Bug Fixes:

Renamed the package from “starlm” to “SpeechMark”

Known Bugs:

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