Thank you for your interest in becoming a SpeechMark Advisor. SpeechMark is a tool for automatically detecting, acoustic events that correlate with global changes in speech articulation. SpeechMark is designed for investigating non-lexical attributes of speech and is useful for studies investigating a wide variety of disorders and behaviors. Unlike systems focused on speech recognition, which require lexically-motivated representations, SpeechMark focuses on detecting abrupt changes in acoustic energy in the speech signal.
As we begin the SpeechMark Beta Evaluation phase, we are inviting a small community of users to provide feedback to help us improve the usability of the SpeechMark WaveSurfer for Windows Plug-in (and later, other versions of the SpeechMark product). Users best suited for our SpeechMark Advisor Program probably teach in universities and/or conduct research in hospitals, universities or research institutes. The feedback from our Advisors will give us insight into the needs of our user community and assist in the further development of this tool. If you would like to participate in the SpeechMark Advisor Program, please fill in the form below and submit your application electronically. We will review your information promptly and respond via email.
In the mean time (and regardless of whether you become an Advisor!) you are welcome and invited to download and use a Beta version of SpeechMark.
Thank you for your interest!